Getting Started

Fundamental and Technical Analysis in Todays Markets


Introduction to Yard Chart Patterns.

Yard chart patterns is an automated chart screener software system that uses the discipline and general principles of TECHNICAL ANALYSIS to scan the NYSE & NASDAQ exchanges on a daily basis. On any given day, Yard Charts searches for stocks that fit into Yard's four bullish model patterns and Yard's four bearish model patterns. The same eight patterns are limited to a universe of stocks with a minimum liquidity standard.
The four bullish technical chart model patterns for which Yards performs its search are: Bottom Right Triangle, Bottom End Sweep, Bottom Reversal and Horizontal Support.
The four bearish technical chart patterns for which Yard performs its search are: Top Right Triangle, Top End Sweep, Top Reversal, Horizontal Resistance.
At Yard, we seek to give users the flexibility to implement our system in accordance to their real needs and desires. We offer two different SERVICES that let the user pay only for the effective use that they get out of the system. For this purpose, customers can either choose to use the Yard Charts plus or the Yard Chart Pay per View. The trading ALERTS produced by all platforms are identical in all respects concerning markets, time intervals, and model patterns. The difference between the products lies in fee method for the service, the search functionality, and the viewing step process associated with each of them.

You are advised to read about Yard Charts, the Educational and the Terms and Conditions to learn more about YC, the patterns for which Yard performs its search, and the markets into which these patterns are searched for. You will then be ready to go into the SERVICES section, which is the heart of the YARDCHARTS system.

Get a practical feeling of the system free of charge!

Try our 30-Day Free trial and see the value of our software for your self.

Exploring with the free trial first, will position you to better appreciate our two main products, which are the Yard Charts plus and the the Yard Chart Pay per View Trading platform.